Food for your skin… Foods that contain hyaluronic acid

Food for your skin…
Foods that contain hyaluronic acid
And what do they do for you?
Previously on our blog we have shared with you the benefits that the famous compound Hyaluronic Acid has for our skin and our health.
Today we will talk about foods that contain hyaluronic acid and how you can make the most of its benefits, from within.
Let us remember what Hyaluronic Acid is…
Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronate , is a carbohydrate produced naturally by the body. It can be found in tissues and organs such as: the epidermis (skin), connective tissue, cartilage, bones and the conjunctiva of the eye.
The highest concentration of hyaluronic acid in the human body can be found in the epidermis, reaching up to 56% of the total concentration.
Its main function is to attract and retain water in the tissues, promoting proper skin hydration and joint lubrication. It creates a type of network that allows moisturizing, absorbing, transporting nutrients between cells and eliminating toxic waste .
This has demonstrated its hydrating capacity in the dermis, in addition to stimulating the creation of new collagen.
This compound, present in the body, decreases with age, causing dehydration of the skin and, with it, the appearance of wrinkles and the dreaded sagging.
It is therefore recommended not only to use it in skin care products, such as moisturizing creams and serums , but also to include it in our daily diet and thus enhance its anti-aging benefits.
In which foods can we find it?
Before starting, it is very important to mention that the consumption of foods rich in this compound is advisable for all ages . However, it is highly recommended to incorporate them into our daily diet from the age of 40. Age at which its concentration in the body decreases considerably to a little less than half. Reaching only one tenth after the age of 60.
Now, let's start the list of foods that contain it, that help synthesize it better or that help us increase its production...
White meats: The white meats with the highest concentration of this compound are chicken, turkey and duck .
Red meats: Lamb and beef are among the red meats with the highest content of hyaluronic acid, in addition to being an important source of Vitamin A, which releases this compound in the body in the form of retinol .
Fish: Cod liver oil contains a high concentration of this compound and Vitamin A , which makes it a star for this purpose. Tuna, sardines and salmon are also among the fish with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid.
Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and green beans are foods rich in magnesium , an essential compound for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in our body. Not to mention their high antioxidant content.
Tubers: Tubers such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, taro , etc., help produce hyaluronic acid in the body. Therefore, they are essential if you are looking to increase your levels of this compound. In addition, they provide high levels of B vitamins and vitamin C.
Cereals: Whole grains such as brown or wild rice, rye, wheat, oats, corn, quinoa, chia and flaxseed , due to their high zinc content, help produce high levels of hyaluronic acid in the body.
Gelatin: It may surprise us to find this food on the list, however, it not only contains hyaluronic acid, it is also an important source of collagen . Collagen is another essential compound in skin care and tissue repair .
Soy: It is a legume that contains the nine essential amino acids for the body , with a low content of saturated fats, and constitutes a source of excellent quality proteins . Soy increases the levels of estrogen (phytoestrogens) in the body, which increases the production of hyaluronic acid.
Fruits: Fruits are an important source of magnesium and vitamin C (a powerful antioxidant) , also helping the body to better produce and synthesize hyaluronic acid. Bananas, papaya, melon, pears, oranges, kiwi, lemon, grapes, pineapple, pomegranate, peaches and blueberries are particularly recommended for the high levels of these nutrients they provide.
Spices: Some spices that we commonly use in our daily lives are important sources of hyaluronic acid. Among the most recommended are parsley, cilantro and cayenne pepper , which provide a large amount of hyaluronic acid, in addition to being great allies for skin health . They also help us strengthen the immune system, stimulate the metabolism and promote skin health.
Water: It is very important to remember that hyaluronic acid is a compound that works with water . Therefore, it is essential to stay properly hydrated during the day. We should consume at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day . This can be enriched with some salts and minerals to increase its hydrating effects. (We will prepare more information about this in another post.)
Remember that it is very important to maintain a balanced diet, healthy skin starts from within .
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See you soon!
Å2B Team